To The Parents Of Young Adults

List Of Financial Risks Young Adults Ages Between 17 and 29 May Pose To The Finances Of The Parents And Their Own Financial Freedom Plan
Are You Your Child's Financial Safety Net?
Suppose something is to go wrong. Who is going to pay? Parents do not even want to think about something going wrong with their children. The child is not concerned about the risk, and if they are, they probably can't afford to do something about it. The goal of our list is to make parents aware of the risks.

Some Risks Could Pose A Long Term Financial Commitment.
Some Risks May Only Be Short Term

Some Risks Are Hopefully Limited To Damage To Property!
I Found Elena On PowerPoint

Building a website involves finding pictures, and I often use PowerPoint to search for stock pictures, and when I saw Elena, I just knew I had to use them. The following questions immediately came up. Was she in a car accident, was she, or is she sick? What happened to her. I am sure you also know somebody like Elena and the courageous parents standing behind her helping her physically and financially.

What happened to her, is she ok?

Can she work, earn money, who is looking after her financially?

If it was an accident, was she insured, etc sure you also have many questions?

What about her parents and their finances were they able to handle it?
Parent Protection!

We pride ourselves on value-adding products and want to be able to assist your young adult child not just with products but to start them in the financial education process