Are You The Financial Safety Net For Your Adult Children?
Any parent who went through the process of getting their children through the driver's licence process knows what I am talking about.
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A young adult does not have the responsibility and the means to buy insurance yet. The problem is that if something goes wrong, the financial responsibility becomes that of the parent.
There is just a couple of things you, as the parent, should do right to make sure if something happens, so you are covered.
This Document Cover The Basics
Middle Class and well-off parents help the children a lot more than they used to when I finished school. Parents take on a lot of responsibilities financially, and what happens to you, the parent, if something happens to your child.
How to improve on something you may have already done?
Help you identify things you may not have thought about insuring.
Give solutions to problems and insight into the situation.
Not a great topic because it is serious if something does go wrong. People don't want to hear about any harm to their children. I always remind people to think back to when they were young and the amount of risk they took.

The Story Of John Jnr
JC and Carla is typical middle-class parents looking out for their children.
I found this picture on my PowerPoint application I do not know this young man. He is the child of somebody about to go into the world. Its a great picture and you can just imagine a bunch of stories about him, good or bad.
How long is it going to take for him to be on his feet financially and what risks is he exposing his parents to. My story is not about the young man but actually about his parents.
All the young people in the picture can be John Jnr and become a story.
Please remember that insurance is something you cant buy when you need it.
Check List
Medical Aid
Gap Cover
Short Term Insurance (Car, Contents Of Flat)
Roadside Assistance
Severe Illness
Income Protection (Temporary Disability)
Permanent Disability
Last Will & Testament
Savings / Investments/
Bank Account
Tracking Device

The White Board Used In The Video In Story About John Jnr
Please contact your advisor to discuss the risks regarding your adult child. In South Africa, we have a great life assurance product where we can get your child covered from as little as R200 per month. Make certain you do the car insurance correctly your child still lack the driving experience and the risks is very high. Medical aid leaves them on yours till 21 depending on the rules in your country.
investments optional for now, maybe start educating them if you can.
Will and testament in South Africa they can get one at 18
The same company that do the bank account have a great car insurance product that installs a unique tracking device to alert emergency services in the event of an accident.
Our other products
The financial lifeline
The Life insurance risks for business owners
The Short term insurance risks for business owners
The E- Book to help JC get to financial freedom